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Voice of the Families

​The School Commission advises and supports the principal and pastor in the formation of school policy and the ongoing development of St. Michael School. As a consultative body, its members act in collaboration with the administrative team.


Members meet once a month to advise and support the principal and pastor as they (the principal and pastor) form school policies to support the ongoing growth of our parish school.


"Voice of the Families" is a dedicated space for our school family to share their thoughts, questions, concerns, celebrations, and shout-outs. Whether it's something that is admired, an area for improvement, or a simple note of appreciation for our staff and students, we want to hear from you.


Please rest assured that all submissions are thoroughly reviewed by the Chair of the School Commission and presented at their monthly meetings. This process ensures that voices are not only heard but are also a significant part of the decision-making and community-building efforts. Click on the image below to submit your feedback. 

Meet our School Commission

©2024 St. Michael Catholic Parish School. All Rights Reserved.


1204 11th Ave SE

Olympia, WA 98501


©2024 St. Michael Catholic Parish School. All Rights Reserved.


(360) 754-5131

Fax: (360) 753-6090


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